Tag Archives: pittsburgh

When in Pittsburgh…

I was so happy to get a call from one of my college sorority sisters telling me she was coming to visit and would love to get some family photos. We keep in touch on FB, but it was great to finally meet her little beauty in person. We had so much fun!

Hunter, Class of 2017

I really enjoy senior sessions! Especially when you have a handsome, charismatic guy, who can ROCK a man bun. We had a blast, and covered a lot of ground during our session. Hunter and his mom got to ride around in my very cool mini van too.

Tessa, Class of 2017

Stunning. Smart. Talented. Kind. I could go on and on about Tessa. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching this amazing young lady since she was in 8th grade. She was pretty awesome back then too. I can’t wait to see where she goes and all of the amazing things she will do. This downtown session…


I just love this family. Each and every member. One of them was my student. Another, my coworker. One of them is my “boss”. One taught me CPR. All of them have been my clients. They are a lot of fun to work with and I’m glad I am able to deliver what I hope,…